ACE ON ACE Volume 1 Issue 4
A monthly newsletter brought to you by Ace Los Angeles
Vol. 1, Issue 4
Welcome to Ace Los Angeles monthly newsletter! We hope to use this space to keep our followers informed on ace topics in news media and academic journals, spotlight asexual representation, boost projects asking for ace participation, and educate on asexual and aromantic terms.
As of June 2023, Ace LA will alternate between outdoor in-person (weather permitting) and virtual meetups. For in-person meetups and volunteering, you will be asked to mask unless eating or drinking and will be required to sign a waiver stating you understand the risk of exposure, and that you absolve Ace Los Angeles of any liability. Masks are available on request.
August 6th at 10:30am, Ace LA will be marching in the Long Beach Pride Parade.
Ace LA has social meetings the second Sunday of every month.
1:30pm - New Member Meeting
2pm - General Meeting The next meeting is on August 13th at Grand Park.
Ace LA’s Business meetings are online, the first Tuesday* of every month. 7:00pm - Business Meeting The next meeting is on August 1st.
*Previously on the first Monday of the month.
All meetings are open.
Our Ears Are Burning!
This section is where we link you to articles and studies on asexuality and aromantisim.
Kayla Reed and Yasmin Benoit express the importance of asexuals supporting the trans community.
In politics: Tasmania is the first Australian state to recognize Asexual, Aromantic, and Agender identities. And Lapu City Council preliminarily approves anti-discrimination measure that includes trans and asexual idenities.
In Higher Education: Cornell University LGBTQIA+ organization honors Student Leader for trans and ace inclusive work. And Duke University offers new Sexual and Gender Diversity trainings.
‘People had a hard time believing that I could be Black and asexual and at Pride’ - Attitude talks with Yasmin Benoit, her activism, asexuality, and the recent backlash online.
“Be Who You Are” - Alabama Public Radio talks to queer residents about Pride and being out in the south.
Beliefs about the inevitability of sexual attraction predict stereotypes about asexuality - a new study on asexual stereotypes and there sources.
Tell Me a Story...
In this section we will spotlight an asexual or aromantic character in media and media related news.
A new asexual character made his debut these past few months, finishing up earlier this month. Maël Le Gall , asexual and heteroromantic, is the central character of the12th and final season of Skam France, the longest running version of the breakthrough Norwegian tv show. A part of the third ‘generation’ of teens to be featured on the drama, Maël appears in 2 seasons, and his central storyline involves him struggling to live authentically for himself and coming to terms with his asexuality. Skam France allows his sexuality to be uncovered slowly and organically as he deals with the social pressure to have sex, in turns the primary issue and background to his other problems. The show is not currently legally available to watch in the US and no English language media has covered the character as of yet.
Book Review: Ace By Angela Chen - Feminism in India reviews Angela Chen’s work.
A Late Night Conversation - A small relationship-based game featuring a demisexual man.
The Point to Which Their Striving Leads - A detailed exploration and analysis of asexuality and aromanticism in the Star Wars book universe.
In Our Own Words:
This section is where we will feature personal essays, reflections, and stories.
To Have Sex or Not to Have Sex? - Two Indians talk about their asexuality in this 5 minute video.
One Year Out - A reflection on discovering and embracing asexuality.
Why Asexual Representation Matters at Pride - Yasmin Benoit looks back on her experiences with Pride and becoming an activist.
This Is How I Navigate Pleasure As a Black Asexual Person - Sex educator and content creator Ev’yan Whitney reflects on their personal journey, opening up online, and inclusive possibilities.
From Dehumanisation To Catfishing - An Indian asexual woman discusses her experiences with dating apps.
The More You Know
In this section we will provide links to articles and resources designed to educate and inform on asexuality and aromanticism.
What Does Demisexuality Mean? and Demisexual Meaning - Refiniary29 and Cosmopolitan offer introductory explorations into demisexuality.
What Does It Mean to Be Graysexual? - takes a look at Graysexuality and attempts to define it within the larger context of sexual orientation. *Note: Ace Los Angeles disagrees with the writer that graysexuality cannot be included under the Asexual-spectrum, although some graysexual people may chose not to identify that way.
What is Gatekeeping in Queer Community - A brief description of gatekeeping and the harm it does to the queer community.
Single and Queer? - A discussion of the queer possibilities in singleness.
We Want You!
This section is for informing you of requests for participation of aces and aros by other organizations, including studies, surveys, archive efforts, media projects, interviews, and policy / community feedback.
Ace Los Angeles is inviting members to march with us in the Long Beach Pride Parade on August 6th. Reach out if you are interested!
What’s the Word?
This last section is dedicated to featuring the definition of a word or phrase to encourage broader understanding and discussion of asexual and aromantic topics.
Our Word of the Month is Allosexaul:
Someone who does experience sexual attraction or an intrinsic desire to have sexual relationships (or the adjective describing a person as such). This category is also often simply referred to as “sexual”. (The Asexual Visibility and Education Network)
people who do not identify as asexual—that is, people who regularly experience sexual attraction, regardless of their sexual orientation. (
The opposite of asexual. People who experience sexual attraction are called allosexual.(Human Rights Campaign)
Describes a person who experiences sexual attraction or is not on the asexual spectrum. (Aromantic-Spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy)
defined in reference to autosexual […] constructed from the parts “sexual” meaning “of or relating to sexuality” and “allo” meaning “other”. Literally: someone who experiences attraction to other people. (tumblr user: selectivelyserious in discussion on the origin of the term allosexual.)
We love to hear from you! Letters to the editor can be sent to