ACE ON ACE Volume 2 Issue 8
A monthly newsletter brought to you by Ace Los Angeles
Vol. 2, Issue 8
Hello Aces, Aros, and Anyone Else!
Welcome back to Ace Los Angeles’s monthly newsletter. One day I’ll get these newsletters to you on the day they are actually scheduled, but it is clearly not today. Until than, you, as always, have my apologies. In the meantime, I hope all of you had a fantastic Asexual Week! With the mild amount of attention it always brings us, I have a bit more for you this time than usual. Please enjoy and feel free to give us feedback.
See you next time -V
November is International Trans Awareness Month.
November 3rd is Trans Parent Day.
November 8th is Intersex Day of Remembrance.
November 13th-19th is Trans Awareness Week.
November 20th is Trans Day of Remembrance .
November 23rd is Polyamory Day.
As of June 2023, Ace LA will alternate between outdoor in-person (weather permitting) and virtual meetups. For in-person meetups and volunteering, you will be asked to mask unless eating or drinking and will be required to sign a waiver stating you understand the risk of exposure, and that you absolve Ace Los Angeles of any liability. Masks are available on request.
Ace LA has social meetings the second Sunday of every month.
1:30pm - New Member Meeting
2pm - General Meeting The next meeting is on November 10th on zoom
Ace LA’s Business meetings are online, the first Wednesday of every month. 7:00pm - Business Meeting The next meeting is on November 6th on Zoom.
All meetings are open and we hope to see you there!
Our Ears Are Burning!
This section is where we link you to articles and studies on asexuality and aromantisim.
The summary report for the 2022 Ace Community Survey has been released.
For Disabled Ace Day, The Ace Couple podcast made an episode on marriage inequality in the US as it affects aces, POC, and disabled people.
A grad student is working to bring asexual perspectives to the classics.
A brief look on the progress made in ace activism following last year’s Ace in the UK report.
Tell Me a Story...
In this section we will spotlight an asexual or aromantic representation in media and entertainment news.
Popular teen queer tv show Heartstopper released it’s 3rd season earlier this month, as it is created by aroace writer Alice Oseman and features an aroace character, I’ve collected a few things for you all: a review focusing on the queerness of whole season, an article focusing on the aroace character; Isaac, and a personal reflection on relating, painfully, to Isaac’s storyline.
A twitter thread of 28 asexual books in honor of Ace Week.
A look at asexual representation and head-canons in Anime and Video Games.
Breaking down the popular asexual head-canon of The Walking Dead’s Daryl Dixon and the character’s 14 year history.
A little ode to the London Ace Book Club.
AZE, which just celebrated it’s 8th anniversary, has published it’s collection of submitted works on Intimacy.
In Our Own Words:
This section is where we will feature personal essays, reflections, and stories.
A personal essay on the journey through self-discovery of asexuality.
Two student asexual activists are interviewed for ace week.
A video reaction looking at Arophobia from queer people.
Diva talks to Yasmin Benoit about her asexuality and activism.
Aromantic and Asexual PH asks it’s members: what do you wish people would stop asking you as an aspec?
The More You Know
In this section we will provide links to articles and resources designed to educate and inform on asexuality and aromanticism.
Canton Winer writes on the value of asexuality research and discussion to society.
secretspiderlady talks demisexuality, purity culture, and split attraction.
Tara Jones, a sex educator discusses the blurry cultural line between asexuality and low libido, identity labesl, and when and if the difference matters.
A twitter thread on allonormativity and compulsory sexuality.
We Want You!
This section is for informing you of requests for participation of aces and aros by other organizations, including studies, surveys, archive efforts, media projects, interviews, and policy / community feedback.
AZE Journal has open submissions for asexual, aromantic, and agender writers on the topic of gender expectations. Submissions can include many different kinds of written or non-written work and are open until December 15th.
Aspec podcast is looking for people interested in being featured as guests.
AUREA (Aromantic-Spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy) is asking for your experiences as part of a book project on aromantisim and intersectionality.
AUREA is also seeking people willing to talk about their experiences with aromantic break-ups.
Queer Author Emily Garside is writing a book on queer television and in an effort to include as much as possible is asking for people to fill out a survey on their experiences.
Oakland University is seeking participants for a research study on minority stress.
University of Southern Queensland is doing a study on psychedelic drug use among queer people.
Researchers at University of Iowa are looking for 500 people to participate in a study on asexuality and reproductive health.
And finally:
A-specs Committed to Anti-Racism has a living document Actionable Ways to Support Palestinians in Gaza on day 395 of the genocide.
Thought of You…
This section is just for short videos, social media posts, etc. anything too short or trivial for other sections, a little offering of enjoyment to our readers.
10 years ago, Cameron Whimsy designed the Aromantic flag.
We love to hear from you! Letters to the editor can be sent to
And to keep your lovely editor from feeling unappreciated and full of melancholy, please tells us what you loved (or hated) or think we missed.